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5 Best Baby Pillow Picks

a headshot of our reviewer Connie

Written By Connie

CPD Sleep Consultant

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Toddler smiling while falling asleep

9 April 2024 4 min read

Today we are rating top baby pillows you can buy in the UK. If you are interested in the best baby pillows and what criteria you should use when buying, keep reading.

Being a parent is the most important role in our lives. Whether it is the first child or not, the arrival of a new baby is a very demanding job for parents. It is somewhat easier for more experienced parents, but that does not diminish the constant care for the child and the parents' effort to make everything perfect for the child to develop properly.

When it is time to equip the room where the baby will come, parents must buy a variety of things. Some of them are necessary, and some are not so much. One of the most important things to buy is a baby pillow. The pillow is important for many reasons, so we will help you choose the best baby pillow by giving you buying tips and showing you the best ones in our opinion. Help your baby go to sleep with these pillows!

Our top picks

Now we come to what you are most interested in, and that is our top picks. We have analysed in detail each of the pillows that we will mention and they meet all the criteria that we emphasised in the previous part of the article as the most important. This means pillows are made of the best materials, that they meet safety standards and that they are part of the offer of reputable manufacturers and sellers.
    Baby 1
    a product image of KoalaBabycare Head Care Orthopedic Cushion
    KoalaBabycare Head Care Orthopedic Cushion
    Best Overall
    Baby 2
    A product image of ClevaMama ClevaFoam Baby Pillow
    ClevaMama ClevaFoam Baby Pillow
    Best Value
    Baby 3
    a product image of KoalaBabycare Plagiocephaly Baby Pillow
    KoalaBabycare Plagiocephaly Baby Pillow
    Best Cooling
    Baby 4
    a product image of BCOZZY Chin Supporting Kids Travel Pillow
    BCOZZY Chin Supporting Kids Travel Pillow
    Best for Travel
    Baby 5
    a product image of Babymoov Cosydream Original Ergonomic Support pillow
    Babymoov Cosydream Original Ergonomic Support
    Best Full Shape

Best Overall: KoalaBabycare Head Care Orthopedic Cushion

Affordable, comfortable and recommended by pediatricians, it is the best choice every parent can make.
Best Overall
a product image of KoalaBabycare Head Care Orthopedic Cushion

Available in three sizes, it is the only baby pillow that is suitable for up to 36 months. This makes the KoalaBabycare Head Care Orthopedic Cushion a fantastic investment because your baby will not outgrow it quickly. Most baby pillows become useless after a year, while this one can be used for up to three years.

And given how the pillow is already rather cheap, you're getting amazing value overall. But that's not all!

It is made of breathable cotton and the highest quality memory foam. And it has two covers and one cover is proven to prevent flat head syndrome as well. So, even more value for a low price. Also, it has anti-suffocation features.

However, it is quite big, so it is not portable. That's the only real downside that we could find.

  • Type: Memory foam
  • Size: ‎52 x 26 cm
  • Cover: Cotton
  • Filling: Memory foam


An icon depicting a ruler indicating size
Suitable up to 36 months
Your baby can use it up to 3 years old.
An icon depicting anti-suffocation design that is safe for babies
You don't have to worry about your baby having breathing issues.
An icon depicting a happy mom and happy baby, depicting a product that is safe for babies
Preventing flat head
The pillow is soft and can support the baby's head.


An icon depicting a product that is not portable and not suitable for travel
Not portable
It is not good for carrying around.

Best Value: ClevaMama ClevaFoam Baby Pillow

If you want a quality pillow at an affordable price, ClevaMama ClevaFoam Baby Pillow is a great choice.
Best Value
A product image of ClevaMama ClevaFoam Baby Pillow

You want your baby to have all the best, but you also feel that it is not necessary to spend a fortune in the first few months after it is born.

The ClevaMama ClevaFoam Baby Pillow will provide your baby with comfort because it is made so that the baby's spine is in the correct alignment, which is very important for long-term development.

It is made from the ClevaFoam which is breathable and hypoallergenic. It has specially designed Airflow to keep moisture away from your baby. So, it's rather easy to keep the sleeping surface fresh and dry.

Also, it fits all beds and cribs. There is not much difference between it and the much more expensive models.

  • Type: Foam
  • Size: 40 x 23
  • Cover: Cotton
  • Filling: Foam


An icon depicting a good value product
Good price-quality ratio
Very affordable
An icon depicting a magnifier indicating high quality
High quality
High quality materials and craftmanship.
An icon depicting air passing through a fabric
ClevaFoam is breathable & hypoallergenic.


An icon depicting a product that does not have a modern design
The design is simple and plain-looking.

Best Cooling: KoalaBabycare Plagiocephaly Baby Pillow

KoalaBabycare Plagiocephaly Baby Pillow will help all babies who sweat a lot.
Best Cooling
a product image of KoalaBabycare Plagiocephaly Baby Pillow

Have you noticed that your baby is sweating a lot? This is not uncommon, especially if it is summer or you live in a very warm part of the world.

Fortunately, there is a solution for that as well. This pillow is made of a special breathable cotton and the highest quality memory foam that will help the baby sweat less. Memory foam has breathable holes so ventilation is uninterrupted.

And this isn't a feature you're always going to get with a memory foam pillow. So, it's quite the attractive feature.

It is also comfortable, although it has a very plain shape compared to other baby pillows, so if you care a lot about the design, you won’t like this one in terms of appearance.

  • Type: Memory foam
  • Size: ‎52 x 26 cm
  • Cover: Cotton
  • Filling: Memory foam


An icon depicting a magnifier indicating high quality
High quality
Made of the highest quality memory foam
An icon depicting air passing through a fabric
Great breathability thanks to structure.


An icon depicting a product that does not have a modern design
Average design
Looks plain and simple.

Best for Travel: BCOZZY Chin Supporting Kids Travel Pillow

A pillow designed for travel will make travel much easier for both your baby and you.
Best for Travel
a product image of BCOZZY Chin Supporting Kids Travel Pillow

Traveling with a baby is generally stressful and challenging for every parent, so it is advisable to make it easier in every possible way. A travel pillow is definitely one of those ways.

This pillow has an ideal shape for travel, although it may seem a little strange to you. It will at the same time give support to the head and neck and be comfortable for your child. So, your baby can sleep well and stay healthy all at the same time.

It's made of breathable soft polyester fabrics, so it is hypoallergenic and suitable for children with asthma. And it's rather soft to the touch, which is another plus in the comfort category.

It is fully machine washable, so it is easy to maintain as well. Honestly, what more could you want from a baby travel pillow?

  • Type: Travel pillow
  • Size: ‎21 x 23 cm
  • Cover: Polyester
  • Filling: Down alternative


An icon depicting a man suffering from a neck pain, illustrating a product that is good for back pain treatment
Great support for neck
Offers an amazing support to the head and neck.
An icon depicting chain links indicating durability
Made of high quality polyester, it will last long.
An icon depicting a washing machine, illustrating a product that is suitable for machine washing
Easy maintenance
It is washing-machine-friendly.


an icon depicting not many options or variety
Not for everyday use
It is made for traveling specifically.

Best Full Shape: Babymoov Cosydream Original Ergonomic Support

It allows your baby with full body support.
Best Full Shape
a product image of Babymoov Cosydream Original Ergonomic Support pillow

Because it is larger than the others on the list, this baby pillow allows the baby to be in different positions and provides support to the whole body, not just the head.

Made from the highest quality polyester and cotton, it can be used like any other baby pillow, and it can also be a lounger pillow. It supports the head and neck, so you don't have to worry that your baby will be uncomfortable, on the contrary.

You will notice the baby is enjoying staying in this one because it has adjustable leg support.

Only two colors available so it may not fit into your interior. But on the other hand, it's machine washable. So, maintenance is rather easy. And if you want a larger pillow with ergonomic support, we'd say that this is your best bet.

  • Type: Baby bed
  • Size: 40 x 10 x 31 cm
  • Cover: Cotton and polyester
  • Filling: Foam and polyester


An icon depicting a ruler indicating size
Suitable for baby of every age
Your baby can use it for a longer period of time.
An icon depicting a magnifier indicating high quality
Top quality
Top quality materials used
An icon depicting a washing machine, illustrating a product that is suitable for machine washing
Machine washable
Easy to maintain, thanks to being machine-washable.


An icon depicting negative colour properties
Limited colors available
Available in 3 colours only.

Features to consider when buying the best baby pillow

Aside from the mattress, the pillow is the most important for comfortable and healthy sleep, both for adults and babies. While it may seem easy to choose a pillow, this is not the case at all. That is especially the case if you don't know which features to consider when shopping. You can consider many features, but three of them stand out. And those three are material, filling, and safety.


a baby laying on a bed next to many pillows

The first feature you need to consider is the material used to make the pillow. The materials used have changed throughout history, but some, such as cotton, have remained popular to this day.

The material used for the exterior and interior is usually not the same. It is equally important to pay attention to the fabric used for the outside, as well as to the filling, which is the inside of the pillow and we will address it in the following paragraph. When we talk about the fabric that is used for the exterior, you should choose one that will be comfortable for the baby, but also that  is strong and of sufficient quality that it will retain its original shape for a long time.

To achieve this, synthetic materials are usually used, and you can put a pillowcase made out of cloth, to make the baby even more comfortable.


The materials used for filling are very diverse. Memory foam is an increasingly common choice of parents for both children and themselves.

Of course, cotton is always a great choice. Organic cotton is recommended both because of its quality and because of the environment. Another recommendation from pediatricians is to choose hypoallergenic fabrics so that all those prone to asthma are protected. Hypoallergenic fabrics are synthetic and such fabrics are resistant to mold, fungi, and mites.

Down, feathers, wool, and many other natural materials are also used, but they are usually not an ideal choice for baby pillows. Although comfortable, their other characteristics are worse compared to memory foam, other synthetic materials, and cotton.


Sudden infant death syndrome also known by the acronym SIDS is the greatest fear of every parent. Various foundations that deal with SIDS research agree that it is best to use baby pillows only when you are in the room with the baby, and not during the night.

Because babies are too small to control their bodies, they can suffocate if they move during the night and you don't notice. That is why baby pillows should be used during the day to prevent the flat head syndrome, but it is risky to use them at night. In combination with good baby mattresses, this shouldn't be a risk but still – never leave your baby out of sight when sleeping!

In terms of safety when shopping, all baby pillows available on the market have been tested as safe.

Tips for buying and using best baby pillow

First of all, these tips relate to the size of the pillows and how to maintain them. The size varies according to the age of the baby, but also according to the purpose. Head circumference is a major factor influencing choice and it varies significantly from child to child. Do not confuse baby pillows with pillows for toddlers as these are different. That's why parents should regularly measure their child's head circumference to know if they have outgrown the pillow, they currently have.

As for maintenance, if you choose a natural material, you have to wash the pillow very often and then dry it. When you dry it, it is best to leave it in the open air for half a day in the end to make sure that it is completely dry.

The advantages of owning the best baby pillow

Especially first-time parents face many problems and doubts. Breastfeeding is definitely one of them. The mother does not know in which position to position herself to be comfortable for both her and the child, and also to avoid the baby's tummy being upset afterward. A pillow made by John and Tree Organics can definitely help you here.

Also, there are two sides that you can use so you won’t have to wash as often. And with all that, it is made of organic cotton which will be beneficial for the baby's skin. We should also think about what kind of planet we leave to our baby, so we should always choose organic products.


And that's how you can find the best baby pillow in the UK! So, whether you pick one of the baby pillows we recommended or find one on your own, your bundle of joy is sure to be sleeping like a champ. But if you have any questions or tips of your own on finding the best baby pillow, let us know in the comment section.

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FAQs about baby pillows

Since parents can never be sure enough about whether their child is well, there are always additional questions to ask. Some of these questions are often repeated, so we will answer them for you because we know how important the well-being of your baby is to you.

When should babies have a pillow?

Babies can have pillows since they are born. It is just important to choose the right size.

What is a flat head syndrome?

These are flat spots that can occur on the side or back of the head as a result of sleeping positions.

Do flat spots cause mental health issues?

Doctors' opinions are divided, but the official position is that flat head syndrome cannot negatively affect brain development nor mental health.

How to treat a flat head (plagiocephaly)?

You can treat plagiocephaly by using baby pillows. Baby pillows are also a great way to prevent it.

Are there any baby pillows that I should avoid?

Baby pillows made of materials that can irritate the skin and respiratory system, like feather should be avoided.

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About the author

As a CPD certified Sleep Consultant I know how important sleep is. And as a combination sleeper, I have found it difficult to get products to suit my sleep style. I have more than 2 years product testing experience with The Sleep Advisors which means I have slept on, with and under more than 500 products with varying degrees of success. This is added to more than 2 years experience as a product reviewer for Closer, Heat and Grazia magazines, so I've got a rigorous process. I love sharing my sleep testimonials with our readers and hearing their experiences too.
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