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5 Best SAD Lamps To Fight Off The Winter Blues

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Written By Anđela Rajković

Certified Sleep Consultant

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4 June 2024 7 min read

Looking for one of the best SAD lamps to help you fight off those winter blues? If you are, well, you have come to the right place. Keep reading to find out what SAD lamps are best on the market as well as how to buy one that is the most suitable for your specific needs.

However, before we start talking about SAD lamps, let us first talk about why you may need them. Namely, there is only one reason why you may need this specific type of lamp – if you have a seasonal affective disorder. Seasonal affective disorder or SAD is a type of depression that happens to people who don't react well to seasons changing.

This usually happens during late fall (winter depression) or late spring (summer depression) and it causes people to feel ‘blue'. Typically, SAD is followed by symptoms such as oversleeping or having difficulties falling asleep, appetite changes, low energy, anxiety, irritability, etc.

What causes SAD? Well, there is no known cause for this type of depression. But, according to experts, not being exposed to natural light (as much as you should) can be the leading cause. When you don't give your body enough sun, it fails to produce the much-needed vitamin D – a vitamin necessary for the production of serotonin and melatonin. And, when you don't have these in your body, the chances of developing any kind of depression are quite high.

So, now you know why you need SAD lamps – their bright lights imitate natural daylight and help you fight off the seasonal affective disorder.

Before you buy a SAD lamp

If you suffer from the winter blues (or if you think you suffer from the winter blue), don't go running to buy the first SAD lamp you find. It is important to understand that, just like there are a ton of SADs there are also a ton of lamps to help you fight off SAD. So, what may work for one person, may not necessarily work for the other.

Thus, wait a minute. And, before you head outside to find some of the best lighting ideas to transform your bedroom, do a research on what kind of lighting you need. Your doctor can help you out with this!

An image of SAD lamp glowing in dark.

Moreover, before you buy a SAD lamp for yourself, keep in mind that there are other ways to treat the seasonal affective disorder. One of those ways is simply going for a walk outside in the sun. 30 minutes a day is all you need. Or, you can talk to your doctor and have him (or her) prescribe you some antidepressants.

P.S. If you are somebody who suffers from bipolar disorder, or if you are someone who has sensitive eyes or constant headaches, know that these lamps are not for you – that is, know that they can do you more damage than good.

Our top pick

It would be a shame to talk about the best sad lamps and not mention a couple of them. Thus, let us do that.
    Lights 1
    Product image of Lumie Bodyclock Glow 150.
    Lumie Bodyclock Glow 150
    Lights 2
    Lumie Vitamin L
    Lights 3
    Product image of Philips Sleep and Wake-up Light with Relax Breath.
    Philips Sleep and Wake-up Light with Relax Breath
    Lights 4
    Lumie Sunrise Alarm
    Lights 5
    Product image of Beurer TL50UK Compact LED SAD Lamp.
    Beurer TL50UK SAD Lamp

BEST OVERALL: Lumie Bodyclock Glow 150

If you love being woken up by the sun, Lumie Bodyclock Glow 150 is the SAD lamp for you.
Product image of Lumie Bodyclock Glow 150.

Lumie Bodyclock Glow 150 has fully adjustable lighting – it can be bright if you want to use it for reading and dimmed if you want to use it for relaxing and unwinding. Of course, it can also emit bright light for your necessary light therapy.

The best part about this lamp is that it can be your alarm clock as well. But, of course, with this one, you will have to say goodbye to those annoying alarm clock sounds and say hello to the most soothing rhythms of waves that will make you feel like you fell asleep on one of those hammocks on the beach.

Lumie Bodyclock Glow 150 has 10 sounds that can help you fall asleep and wake up. Some of those sounds include the waves, tropical birdsong, busy cafe, rainfall, and even beating goats (if that is your thing). And, when it comes to the lighting it emits, it can warm white, orange, and red.


An icon depicting a colour picker, illustrating a variety of colour options
Colour adjustment
Fine tune the desired colour.
An icon depicting lightweight properties
It weighs only 0.57 kg.
Different sounds
10 different sound + white noise.


Short cord
Must be kept close to socket.

BEST VALUE: Lumie Vitamin L

If you think you could really use a SAD lamp to boost your mood and concentration, but you don't have a lot of money in your budget, then check out the famous Lumie Vitamin L SAD lamp.

Lumie Vitamin L is one of the best SAD lamps on a budget. But, just because it is on the cheaper side, doesn't make any less worthy. This lamp will do the job it said it will – trust us on that!

This lamp is very small and compact – thus, it can be placed on your desk and used while you work, study, or even eat your lunch. You can use it in portrait or landscape position!

But, we would be lying if we said that this lamp is perfect. Namely, there are certain things that are missing. One of those things is adjustable lighting – with this lamp, you will only be able to use the bright white light. Moreover, unlike the previously mentioned SAD lamp, Lumie Vitamin L doesn't have an alarm clock nor sounds that can make you make you fall asleep and wake up easier.


an icon depicting a money bag, illustrating an affordable product
Great price-quality ratio.
an icon depicting a night light
10,000 lux light intensity
You get up to 10,000 LUX of light intensity.
Easy to use
Very easy to use.


No sounds
There are no sounds available.
An icon depicting negative colour properties
Only one colour
You can adjust only one colour.

BEST FOR DESK: Philips Sleep and Wake-up Light with Relax Breath

Maybe one of the best SAD lamps for your desk may just be the Philips Sleep and Wake-up Light with Relay Breath. This lamp is so small (but so powerful) that can fit even on the tiniest desks.
Product image of Philips Sleep and Wake-up Light with Relax Breath.

When it comes to look, this lamp really stands out. You will see that once you place it on your desk, people will keep asking you what it is. But, don't worry, this lamp doesn't look ugly – quite the contrary, it looks appealing and interesting.

Philips Sleep and Wake up Light therapy lamp also has many sounds and lights (around 25 different levels of lights) that can help you fall asleep and night and wake up in the morning.


Adjustable sounds
Adjust the sounds and enjoy as you want.
an icon depicting a night light
Different light settings
Choose the light settings you want.
Easy to use
Easy to use thanks to touch screen.


An icon depicting a money bag indicating an expensive product
Higher price tag
Much more expensive than similar products.


Lumie Sunrise Alarm is a combination of therapy light and an alarm clock that will help you cure your SAD and simulate the sunset and sunrise to help ease the processes of falling asleep and waking up.

Greet the best alarm clock ever. Lumie Sunrise Alarm will start waking you up 30 minutes before your alarm time. But, it will not do that with those irritating sounds but with slowly changing lights that resemble those at the beach. Of course, this lamp too has a tap control snooze, so, if you don't feel like getting up yes, just hit that button.

Lumie Sunrise Alarm has 10 different light colors and intensities as well as 5 different sounds (one of which is a purring kitten).


an icon depicting a money bag, illustrating an affordable product
Great price-quality ratio.
Simple to use
Very simple to use thanks to one-button operation.
It won't increase your electricity bill significantly.


Must be close to the power source
Due to short cord, it must be close to the socket.


If you want a great SAD lamp that will by helping you help the planet as well, you need a Beurer TL50UK lamp. This lamp has everything you need too boost up your mood.
Product image of Beurer TL50UK Compact LED SAD Lamp.

One of the best characteristics of this SAD lamp is that it is energy efficient. Its Led lights will not only be UV-free but will also help you save the energy in your home.
However, we can all agree that you are interested in other features – feautres that you need for you light therapy, right? Fear not, this lamp has it what you need. The bulbs inside the lamp will simulate the natural daylight energy and help you make that vitamin D inside your home.
But, unfortunately, that is all this lamp has. With Beurer SAD lamp, you will not be able to change the lights and the intensity and you will not be able to use as an alarm clock with sounds.


an icon depicting a money bag, illustrating an affordable product
Great price-quality ratio.
Simple to use
Very simple to use thanks to one-button operation.
It won't increase your electricity bill significantly.


No light programs
There are no light settings.

What to look for when buying the best SAD lamps

Know that you know what SAD lamps are and how should use them, let us tell you what to for when buying the best sad lamps.

For instance, SAD lamps have features that can help you design the most comfortable bedroom for sleeping, but, that should not be your priority. When buying a SAD lamp to help you with your seasonal affective disorder, you should focus on things such as whether that lamp has an MHRA certificate, what light colors it emits, what is its light intensity, etc.


MHRA certificate

One of the first things you should look for in a SAD lamp is whether it has an MHRA certificate. If it has, great, but, if it doesn't, put it back.

MHRA certificate stands for the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency. The medical products that have this certificate are tested and approved by the highest medical authorities in the UK and USA. This means that they are safe to use (which is not something that can be said about those without the certificate.

Light color

SAD lamps used for light therapy come in two colors – white and blue.
Essentially, white light is used to imitate the light that comes from the sun. Although those colors can be dimmed and warm white, cool white, bright yellow light, or even red, these are all called white light.

Doctors have been using all these white lights (except for red) to treat SAD for a long time. According to them, this is a great way to fight off the winter blues.
Blue light also proved to be very beneficial! But, it is still being tested. Thus, we can't say for sure whether it actually works for the majority of people or not.

Different light intensities

The intensity of the SAD lamps is measured with something called LUX. Ideally, a SAD lamp that should work for everybody is around 10,000 lux. Anything lower than that may not be as effective. That is, if you buy a lamp that is not intense enough, you may have to sit in front of it for much longer or you may even not see any results.

On the other hand, if you buy a SAD lamp with a light intensity that is too strong, your eyes may become sensitive and sore, your head may start to hurt, and you may start to feel agitated and stressed out.

Of course, there are SAD lamps used for bright light therapy that comes with many brightness settings (as well as with an adjustable neck and an adjustable stand). So, if you are not sure which lamp to get for yourself, this might be your best option. With this kind of lamp, you can experiment with different light settings and find what works for you the best.

Full Spectrum Or Broad Spectrum?

SAD lamps come in two spectrums – full and broad ones.

Lamps with full spectrum lights imitate natural daylight. But, just like natural daylight has UV rays (which is not good for us) so does this light therapy lamp. So, if you decide to buy this kind of lamp or this kind of light box, check if it comes with a diffuser screen that blocks those UV rays.

And, if you want to play it safe, and not risk having UV rays on your skin, just go with broad spectrum light therapy lamps. These have lightbulbs that remove UV rays.

Tips for buying and using the best SAD lamps

Once you have decided about the color, intensity, and spectrum you want out of your SAD lamp, it is time to hit the stores. Both in online and brick-and-mortar stores, you will find a good sad lamp. That is, you will find a variety of them.

Thus, before buying one, make sure you know where you will put it and how you will use it. For instance, some people like to use light therapy while reading a book – in that case, a table lamp should be the choice number one. Other people like to use light therapy while exercising or even lying on the bed – in that case, a larger, standing SAD lamp should be the choice number one. There are also people who prefer moving while using light therapy – so, for them, a compact SAD lamp it is.

An image of an SAD lamp.

Just let us give you one piece of advice – although there probably is some stylish sad lamp other, don't let style be your deciding factor of whether or not to buy a certain lamp. You need this lamp for a particular purpose, so focus on the more important features rather than beauty.

Thus, when going shopping for the best sad lamps, take the following things into consideration:

The advantages of owning the best SAD lamps

If you have SAD, or seasonal affective disorder, you can have many benefits of using one of the previously mentioned 5 SAD lamps. All of the lamps from above can help you take care of your disorder and manage all the symptoms.

Using a SAD lamp 30 minutes a day can help your body produce melatonin and seratonin – two hormones necessary for your good mood and good sleep. And, when you have these two, dealing with all other side-effects of SAD will be much easier.

Here are some other benefits of owning a SAD lamp:

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FAQs about your best SAD lamps

Are SAD lamps really good for depression?

Yes, SAD lamps can help a certain group of people fight off depression.

How strong should a SAD lamp be?

An SAD lamp should have a light intensity of 10,000 lux. More than that can cause you headaches and less than that won't have any effect.

How many hours should I use a SAD lamp to treat depression?

Ideally, you should use your SAD lamp for an hour a day. Doctors believe that even 30 minutes a day can do the trick, but, don't be lazy – use your lamp for at least an hour.

Who should not use light therapy?

Light therapy can be extremely beneficial to people suffering from SAD. But, anybody who lacks energy and wants to be more productive (and happy) can use this lamp as well.

Can SAD lamp cause anxiety?

No. There is no proof that SAD lamps can cause anxiety.

Where should I position my SAD lamp?

You can position your lamp anywhere you want – as long as it's facing you.

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About the author

Anđela Rajković
As a CPD certified Sleep Consultant and well-practiced sleep enthusiast, I find a lot of joy in bringing my expertise to our readers – preferably those who love to sleep. With a background in the English language and literature and a love of research, I'm always seeking new ways to share the latest sleep science and bed-related findings. And, when I'm not connecting with my readers, you can find me exploring the great outdoors, or, well, curling up in bed.
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